

Solliciteer direct op vacatures bij ons op de website!
replace('C_', 'matchCriteria_', $vacancyLabel); $criteriaName = array_key_exists($vacancyNameKey, $vacancy['matchCriteriaNames']) ? $vacancy['matchCriteriaNames'][$vacancyNameKey] : $vacancyLabel; $vacancy['labels'][$vacancyLabel] = [ 'name' => $criteriaName, 'values' => $vacancy[$vacancyNameKey] ]; } // Add categorie if ($vacancyLabel === 'category' && isset($vacancy['category']) && $vacancy['category'] !== NULL) { $vacancy['labels'][$vacancyLabel] = [ 'name' => __('Category', 'otys-jobs-apply'), 'values' => [$vacancy['category']] ]; } } } /** * Add consultant info */ $vacancy['consultantInfo'] = null; if (isset($vacancy['userId']) && is_int($vacancy['userId']) && $vacancy['userId'] !== 0) { $userInfo = ConsultantModel::get($vacancy['userId']); if (!is_wp_error($userInfo)) { $vacancy['consultantInfo'] = $userInfo; } } /** * Add vacancy url */ $vacancy['applyUrl'] = Routes::get('vacancy-apply', [ 'slug' => $customSlugIsActive ? $vacancy['slug'][$website] : sanitize_title($vacancy['title']) . '-' . $vacancy['uid'] ]); /** * Add vacancy fallback image */ $fallbackIamgeId = get_option('otys_option_vacancies_header_falllback', ''); $vacancy['vacancyFallbackImage'] = ($fallbackIamgeId !== '') ? wp_get_attachment_url($fallbackIamgeId) : esc_url(OTYS_PLUGIN_ASSETS_URL) . '/images/vacancies/vacancy-header.jpg'; /** * Add image url's */ // Set gallery url's if (is_array($vacancy['PhotoGallery'])) { foreach ($vacancy['PhotoGallery'] as $galleryKey => $galleryItem) { $vacancy['PhotoGallery'][$galleryKey]['photoUrl'] = $uploadUrl. $galleryItem['photo']; $vacancy['PhotoGallery'][$galleryKey]['thumbnailUrl'] = $uploadUrl. $galleryItem['thumbnail']; } } // Check if there is a relation logo is present and add a new variable including the entire url $vacancy['relationLogoUrl'] = (isset($vacancy['relationLogoFileName']) && $vacancy['relationLogoFileName']) ? $uploadUrl . $vacancy['relationLogoFileName'] : null; // Check if there is a photo present and add a new variable including the entire url $vacancy['photoUrl'] = (isset($vacancy['photoFileName']) && $vacancy['photoFileName']) ? $uploadUrl . $vacancy['photoFileName'] : null; // Check if there is a photo thumbnail present and add a new variable including the entire url $vacancy['photoThumbUrl'] = (isset($vacancy['photoThumbFileName']) && $vacancy['photoThumbFileName']) ? $uploadUrl . $vacancy['photoThumbFileName'] : null; } return $vacancy; } /** * Get labels which should be shown * * @return array */ private static function getLabelsToShow(): array { $settingName = 'otys_option_vacancies_detail_match_criteria_labels'; if (($matchCriteriaToShow = get_option($settingName, false)) === false || !is_array($matchCriteriaToShow)) { return []; } $filteredValues = array_filter($matchCriteriaToShow, function ($val) { return $val === 'true'; }); return is_array($filteredValues) ? array_keys($filteredValues) : []; } /** * Get extra fields for vacancies * * @return array | \WP_error */ public static function getExtraFields() { // Get current WordPress language $language = OtysApi::getLanguage(); $extraFields = OtysApi::post([ 'method' => 'Otys.Services.VacancyService.getExtraFieldsList', 'params' => [$language] ], true); return $extraFields; } /** * getFields returns a list of the textfields in OTYS and wheter the textFields are published or not * Textfields are based on setting GE127 * * @return array | \WP_Error * @since 1.0.0 */ public static function getTextFields() { $textFields = OtysApi::post([ 'method' => 'Otys.Services.VacancyTextFieldService.getList', 'params' => [] ], true); if (is_wp_error($textFields) || !is_array($textFields)) { return $textFields; } // Assign the OWS Fieldname to every textField foreach ($textFields as $keyTexTfield => $textField) { $textFields[$keyTexTfield]['owsName'] = static::getTextFieldsOwsName($textField['field']); } return $textFields; } /** * getTextFieldsOwsName * * @param mixed $fieldName * @return string * @since 1.0.0 */ public static function getTextFieldsOwsName(string $fieldName): string { $fieldNames = [ 'bedrprofiel' => 'textField_companyProfile', 'functieo' => 'textField_description', 'functiee' => 'textField_requirements', 'sal_o' => 'textField_salary', 'chapo' => 'textField_summary', 'bedrcultuur' => 'textField_companyCulture', 'extra_fld_01' => 'textField_extra1', 'extra_fld_02' => 'textField_extra2', 'extra_fld_03' => 'textField_extra3', 'extra_fld_04' => 'textField_extra4', 'extra_fld_05' => 'textField_extra5', 'extra_fld_06' => 'textField_extra6', 'extra_fld_07' => 'textField_extra7', 'extra_fld_08' => 'textField_extra8', 'extra_fld_09' => 'textField_extra9', 'extra_fld_10' => 'textField_extra10' ]; return array_key_exists($fieldName, $fieldNames) ? $fieldNames[$fieldName] : ''; } }