ransform: translate(50%,-50%) !important;', ], 'condition' => [ 'timeline_layout' => ['one-sided', 'one-sided-left'] ], 'render_type' => 'template', ] ); $this->add_control( 'arrow_bothsided_position_top', [ 'label' => __( 'Position Top', 'wpr-addons' ), 'type' => Controls_Manager::SLIDER, 'size_units' => [ '%', 'px' ], 'range' => [ '%' => [ 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, ], 'px' => [ 'min' => 0, 'max' => 150, ], ], 'default' => [ 'size' => 30, 'unit' => '%', ], 'selectors' => [ '{{WRAPPER}} .wpr-timeline-centered .wpr-data-wrap:after' => 'top: {{size}}{{UNIT}}; transform: translateY(-50%) !important;', '{{WRAPPER}} .wpr-timeline-centered.wpr-both-sided-timeline .wpr-right-aligned .wpr-icon' => 'position: absolute; top: {{size}}{{UNIT}}; transform: translate(50%, -50%) !important;', '{{WRAPPER}} .wpr-timeline-centered.wpr-one-sided-timeline .wpr-right-aligned .wpr-icon' => 'position: absolute; top: {{size}}{{UNIT}}; transform: translate(-50%, -50%) !important;', '{{WRAPPER}} .wpr-timeline-centered .wpr-left-aligned .wpr-icon' => 'position: absolute; 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} elseif ( 'wpr-right-aligned' === $this->content_alignment ) { $this->animation = preg_match('/right/i', $settings['timeline_animation']) ? str_replace('right', 'left', $settings['timeline_animation']) : $settings['timeline_animation']; } } } if ( preg_match('/right/i', $settings['timeline_animation']) ) { $this->animation_loadmore_left = preg_match('/right/i', $settings['timeline_animation']) ? str_replace('right', 'left', $settings['timeline_animation']) : $settings['timeline_animation']; $this->animation_loadmore_right = preg_match('/left/i', $settings['timeline_animation']) ? str_replace('left', 'right', $settings['timeline_animation']) : $settings['timeline_animation']; } elseif ( preg_match('/left/i', $settings['timeline_animation']) ) { $this->animation_loadmore_left = preg_match('/left/i', $settings['timeline_animation']) ? str_replace('left', 'right', $settings['timeline_animation']) : $settings['timeline_animation']; $this->animation_loadmore_right = preg_match('/right/i', $settings['timeline_animation']) ? str_replace('right', 'left', $settings['timeline_animation']) : $settings['timeline_animation']; } } public function add_custom_horizontal_timeline_attributes($content, $settings, $index) { $this->timeline_description = $content['repeater_description']; $this->story_date_label = esc_html__($content['repeater_date_label']); $this->story_extra_label = esc_html__($content['repeater_extra_label']); $this->timeline_story_title = wp_kses_post($content['repeater_story_title']); $this->thumbnail_size = $content['wpr_thumbnail_size']; $this->thumbnail_custom_dimension = $content['wpr_thumbnail_custom_dimension']; $this->show_year_label = esc_html__($content['repeater_show_year_label']); $this->timeline_year = esc_html__($content['repeater_year']); $this->title_key = $this->get_repeater_setting_key( 'repeater_story_title', 'timeline_repeater_list', $index ); $this->year_key = $this->get_repeater_setting_key( 'repeater_year', 'timeline_repeater_list', $index ); $this->date_label_key = $this->get_repeater_setting_key( 'repeater_date_label', 'timeline_repeater_list', $index ); $this->extra_label_key = $this->get_repeater_setting_key( 'repeater_extra_label', 'timeline_repeater_list', $index ); $this->description_key = $this->get_repeater_setting_key( 'repeater_description', 'timeline_repeater_list', $index ); $this->background_image = $settings['content_layout'] === 'background' ? $content['repeater_image']['url'] : ''; $this->background_class = $settings['content_layout'] === 'background' ? 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'. \WprAddons\Classes\Utilities::get_wpr_icon( $settings['swiper_nav_icon'], '' ) .'
'. \WprAddons\Classes\Utilities::get_wpr_icon( $settings['swiper_nav_icon'], '' ) .'
'; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped } public function render_pagination($settings, $paged) {} // Get Animation Class public function get_animation_class( $data, $object ) { $class = ''; // Animation Class if ( 'none' !== $data[ $object .'_animation'] ) { $class .= ' wpr-'. $object .'-'. $data[ $object .'_animation']; $class .= ' wpr-anim-size-'. $data[ $object .'_animation_size']; $class .= ' wpr-anim-timing-'. $data[ $object .'_animation_timing']; if ( 'yes' === $data[ $object .'_animation_tr'] ) { $class .= ' wpr-anim-transparency'; } } return $class; } public static function youtube_url ( $story_settings ) { if ( $story_settings['repeater_youtube_video_url'] != '' ) { preg_match('%(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/(?:[^/]+/.+/|(?:v|e(?:mbed)?)/|.*[?&]v=)|youtu\.be/)([^"&?/ ]{11})%i', $story_settings['repeater_youtube_video_url'], $matches); if ( isset($matches[1]) ) { $id = $matches[1]; $media = ''; } } elseif ( empty($story_settings['repeater_youtube_video_url']) ) { $media = ''; } else { $media = __("Wrong URL","wpr-addons"); } return $media; } public function horizontal_timeline_classes($settings) { $this->slidesToShow = isset($settings['slides_to_show']) && !empty($settings['slides_to_show']) ? $settings['slides_to_show'] : 2; if ( ! wpr_fs()->can_use_premium_code() && $this->slidesToShow > 4 ) { $this->slidesToShow = 4; } if ( $settings['timeline_layout'] == 'horizontal' ) { $horizontal_class = 'wpr-horizontal-wrapper'; } elseif ( $settings['timeline_layout'] == 'horizontal-bottom' ) { $horizontal_class = 'wpr-horizontal-bottom-wrapper'; } $this->horizontal_inner_class = $horizontal_class == 'wpr-horizontal-wrapper' ? 'wpr-horizontal' : 'wpr-horizontal-bottom'; $this->horizontal_timeline_class = $this->horizontal_inner_class == 'wpr-horizontal' ? 'wpr-horizontal-timeline' : 'wpr-horizontal-bottom-timeline'; $this->swiper_class = $this->horizontal_timeline_class === 'wpr-horizontal-timeline' ? 'swiper-slide-line-bottom' : 'swiper-slide-line-top'; } public function render_custom_vertical_timeline($layout, $settings, $data, $countItem ) { echo '
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'; echo '
'; // Pagination if(!($settings['posts_per_page'] >= wp_count_posts($settings['timeline_post_types'])->publish)) { $this->render_pagination($settings, $paged); } } } // end rendern_dynamic_vertical_timeline public function render_custom_horizontal_timeline( $settings, $autoplay, $loop, $dir, $data, $slidesHeight, $swiper_speed, $swiper_delay, $swiper_pause_on_hover ) { $this->horizontal_timeline_classes($settings); echo '
'; echo '
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' : ''; echo !empty($this->story_date_label) ? 'get_render_attribute_string( $this->date_label_key ) .' >'. esc_html__($this->story_date_label) .'' : ''; echo !empty($this->story_extra_label) ? 'get_render_attribute_string( $this->extra_label_key ) .' >'. wp_kses_post($this->story_extra_label) .'' : ''; echo !empty($this->story_date_label) || !empty($this->story_extra_label) ? '
' : ''; } echo '
'; \Elementor\Icons_Manager::render_icon( $content['repeater_story_icon'], [ 'aria-hidden' => 'true' ] ); echo'
'; echo ''; echo '
'; $this->item_url_count++; } } $this->wpr_render_swiper_navigation($settings); echo '
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'; } if( $this->my_query->have_posts() ) { echo '
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'; // TODO: apply animation class to other layouts as well echo ''; if ( 'yes' === $settings['show_extra_label'] ) { echo '
'. esc_html__(get_the_date($settings['date_format'])) .'
'; } echo '
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'; echo '
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